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Matrix essay

Matrix essay

Another example of this is when Neo is riding in a car with the other rebels inside the matrix. Don't know where to start? it neri inform. Concept Informative Explanatory Persuasive Baseball Example Baseball is a sport. However, matrix essay, there are parts of each life that seem quite real, matrix essay it is difficult to tell where truth and reality end in the movie, and lies and deception begin. Mauris in erat justo. References Axmaker, Sean.

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Matrix essay Philosophy and Psychology. Portfolio Task 1: English Essay The Matrix and Chapter 28 of the Restaurant at the End of the Universe are two examples of conflicting texts that demonstrate opposing ways of viewing the world around us. The Matrix follows matrix essay views of an empiricist, matrix essay, set in a mental prison where people rely on their senses to an extent where they are completely oblivious to what is real. Chapter 28 of the Restaurant at matrix essay End of the Universe however focuses on a rationalist view through the character the Ruler of the Universe emphasising his day-to-day lifestyle and how he responds to what he conceives to be real.

Although these texts present conflicting views upon the world, they are similar in the way they represent their ideas, and it is through these similarities that rationalism and empiricism maintain a conflicting existence. In the Matrix the director intentionally depicts Neo as being the embodiment of empiricism. The directors use of imagery through sombre lighting and choice of plain character costumes, lacking in brightness, colour and their ability to stand out portrays the world Neo is living in and by extension how he views it. In one scene Morpheus directly references Carroll by offering Neo the chance to discover what is real. very little evidence of independent thinking, matrix essay, some personal engagement, different perspectives may be mentioned but with no attempt to explore them, examples chosen are sometimes appropriate.

some evidence of independent thinking, some personal engagement, awareness that different perspectives may exist, although there may be little attempt to explore these. Examples chosen are appropriate, may be little variety in their sources adequate evidence of independent thinking; thoughtful, matrix essay engagement Cassie Cage GP American Government Instructor: Jonathan Dolen Dec. Karan, Elena 2. Alito, Samuel A. Roberts, John G, matrix essay. Breyer, Stephen G. Sotomayor, Sonia M. Ginsburg, Ruth Bader 7. Thomas, Clarence 8. Kennedy, Anthony M. Scalia, Antonin 2, matrix essay.

The Federal Government ruled DOMA unconstitutional under the 5th Amendment. According to the article, Edith Windsor and Thea Syper were married in Toronto, Canada. They moved to New York where the stated recognized same sex marriages. Thea Syper died and left her estate to her spouse Edith Windsor. The District Court held thhat DOMA. Was unconstitutional. The U. Supreme Court of Appeals for the Second District Affirmed. This case impacts the lives, of Americans due to some Americans do not agree with same sex marriages and does not care to see it. Christians that believe that God made marriage for a man and a woman will not like it. This Matrix essay impacts Brands, Inc.

In comparison, Yum! Burger King Corporation is ranked as the second largest burger chain in the world but ranks third in the food service industry. It is ranked as the second largest company in the fast food service industry in the world. One of those areas is their public image. Some of the issues that have caused And all states have financial responsibility laws that require drivers who have been involved in traffic accidents have proof of insurance or the means to pay a claim, matrix essay. In some states even if you only possess a license but you do not actually own or drive a car, you still must have auto insurance. Automobile insurance protects you and your vehicle as well as other individuals on the road from accidents caused by texting, eating, and other numerous distractions involved while driving.

It covers property and bodily injuries caused in a car wreck. Health Insurance offers protection against illness or emergencies and usually covers most routine medical exams; it can be purchased through your employer or individually. You must pay not only insurance premiums, but usually a co pay matrix essay required when visiting the doctor or purchasing your prescription medicines, matrix essay. These can range between twenty five or more dollars matrix essay the office visit and just a few dollars for the medicine, depending on your plan. Also a yearly deductible sometimes must be met before coverage takes full effect.

Some health insurance is provided by the government, such as Medicaid for the Upgrade Your Account Now, matrix essay. RESEARCH DOCUMENTS BOOK NOTES AP NOTES Home » Miscellaneous Apple Ife Matrix Analysis By alexpadron March Add to Library 0 Download Print Report this Essay Page 1 of 1 Apple IFE Matrix Analysis It was pretty surprising to me to find that all the different groups came up with fairly similar ratings in their IFE matrix essay for Apple Inc. My group, management, had the second highest rating at a 2. The groups that pertained to a matrix essay financial aspect like finance and accounting seemed to have lower scores, which were not as far above the average for utilization of resources internally.

This seems interesting because many companies use resources outside their company to assist them in correcting financial problems, matrix essay. Also, there were a few strengths and weaknesses that every group mentioned in their matrix and they were: Steve Jobs leaving and then returning Wlarge increase in inventory Wproducts are globalized S. It was interesting to see that Steve Jobs leaving and then returning was on everyone groups list because with out him these last few years Apple Inc. would probably not be where it is at matrix essay. The only downside to this is that there seems to be this great dependency on one person LIT Entire Course UOP For more course tutorials visit www.

LIT Matrix essay Literary Definitions Activity UOP For more course tutorials visit www. Well at least I have to consider it, matrix essay. Finally, ideas are matrix essay to evolve now that I have sat myself down with my cup of coffee; Calvino thought drinking coffee was adequate for reading and writing, so I drink it while I do just that, read or write. The amount matrix essay procrastination this essay has received is not even measurable through the metric system; such large amounts are we talking about, well that is how my mind put it. An understanding for how evil my procrastinating self can become has been stated. Or matrix essay I write about how the novel is structured with every second chapter being a separate story and how that is entwined with the duality ESSAY Matrix Plato Descartes Essay James Brothers Phil ESSAY In this essay I will look at the similarities and matrix essay between the movie, The Matrix, matrix essay excerpt from Plato and an excerpt from Descartes, matrix essay.

It will be seen that there are many similarities surrounding the prisoner in the Plato excerpt and the Character of Neo in The Matrix. A bit less similarities follows with the excerpt of Descartes however there are some. Let us begin. The prisoner relates to Neo from matrix as the prisoner and Neo both have only one reality about life. They similarly are both taken out of current perceived reality and thrown in to a completely different one. This changes everything for them. As Neo is given a choice of a red or blue pill, the red pill will take him out of his current state matrix essay the blue keep him in it. When he is confronted for an opportunity for a completely different reality, to find out the truth you could say.

If someone says I can show you that your reality if not real and show you the truth who would not want to know. Huntsville Project Organizational Structure Essay James M. Reska Keller-PM — Project Management August 19, Huntsville Project Organizational Structure Essay The success of an organization relies primarily on its organizational structure. There are three basic organizational structures; of course, there exists organizational structures that combine pieces of these three. It is my belief that no two organizations are perfectly identical. Each one requires fine tuning specifically tailored to the needs of that company. The SEITZ Corporation has chosen to invest in the construction of a new plant in the next fiscal year believing that this investment is the best way to achieve the strategic goals outlined in their Project Charter.

Within a matrix organization there are certain ground rules that must be adhered to; participants must spend full time on projects, there must exist vertical and horizontal channels in place for PHI Types of Communication Matrix When communicating your critical thinking about a concept, matrix essay, you choose how to present it to your audience. To explore this further, we will look at three ways to communicate: informative, explanatory, and persuasive statements. A quality persuasive essay includes a mixture of informative, explanatory, and persuasive statements because to persuade someone you must: Matrix essay people about the topic Explain your argument, and Convince your audience of your point of view.

Complete the following matrix by: Matrix essay a concept different from the topic of your persuasive essay and writing it first as an informative statement, second as an explanatory statement, matrix essay, and third as a persuasive statement, matrix essay. An example has been matrix essay for you in matrix essay Matrix, matrix essay. Matrix essay examples from your persuasive essay of one informative statement, one explanatory statement, matrix essay, and one persuasive statement all areas in green should be complete before submitting.

Concept Informative Explanatory Persuasive Baseball Example Baseball is a sport. In baseball, infielders should creep toward the batter during the pitch because it is easier to react when in motion. Sex Trafficking Women, girls and sometimes males are enslaved for sex, in an act that is called Sex trafficking Sex trafficking is an epidemic that affects it neri inform. matrix essay alex inform. it Executive Summary Essays are considered by many researchers as the most useful tool matrix essay assess learning outcomes, implying the ability to recall, organize and integrate matrix essay, the ability to express oneself in writing and the ability to matrix essay merely than identify interpretation and application of data.

One of the difficulties of grading essays is represented by the perceived subjectivity of the grading process, matrix essay. Many researchers claim that the subjective nature of essay assessment leads to variation in grades awarded by different human assessors, matrix essay, which is perceived by students as a great source of unfairness. This issue may be faced through the adoption of automated assessment tools for essays. A system for automated assessment would at least be consistent in the way it scores essays, and enormous cost and time savings could be achieved if the system can be shown to grade essays within the range of those awarded by human assessors.

This paper presents an overview of current The end of the 20th century has experienced rapid changes in the way of trading, due to the expansion of capitalism. Due to high competition, firms have desperately been trying to reduce costs of production in order to maximise profits.

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Personal Statement. In the s, westward expansion and white settlement led the U. government to by force remove the Sioux from their native lands onto reservations. Anger over these removals and poor treatment by the federal government ultimately boiled over into armed confrontation, which ended in the Great Sioux War of and the…. References Sioux. Incorporating as many Cape Verde cultural elements as possible into the planning and construction phases of the proposed project will not only ensure an easier acceptance of the construction plans and infrastructure necessities, but could also be used as a tourism draw for the targeted market. The political and cultural climate in Cape Verde is already quite welcoming to foreign interests, particularly those of the United States, as evidenced by their reception of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and an open letter from the president of Cape Verde to President Obama in late VCV This situation could be soured by ongoing economic woes and a weakening of the current U.

administration, so moving quickly through the approval phase is warranted. At the same time, the economic situation in Cape Verde has deteriorated much more so than many other countries, as its economy is built largely on tourism which…. References CIA. html CVN. Somalia Matrix Endstate: Describe the desired U. endstate for Somalia. Ends -- You must identify the 3 Ends specified in the strategy report. Ways -- You must describe a minimum of 2 Ways for each End. End 1 Building a central government Elect a government that can support some stability. Create a constitution and a legal system to Use the assistance and knowledge of the international community and the UN for consultation.

Leverage the war weary population to participate in a new government and work to build a democracy. Use humanitarian assistance as much as possible to provide for the needs of the disadvantage so that they are able to be more active in their communities. The leadership will not be able to gain traction…. Job Aid Matrix Over the decades, the nurse has been playing a critical role in determining the underlying amounts of support that are provided to patients. As, they serve as a caregiver as well as friend, who is has a vital role in helping to alleviate suffering and allowing those they are working with to overcome the difficulties they are facing.

At the heart of helping the nurse to be more effective, is the Caring and Healing Model for Nursing. This is designed to provide practical applications that will help health care practitioners in achieving these objectives. Bibliography Dr. Jean Watson's Human Caring Theory. Watson Caring Science. cfm International Caritas Consortium. cfm The Implications of the Caring Theory. Boston Matrix: Innocent Drinks Innocent Drinks manufactures all-natural juice drinks, smoothies, vegetable 'pots' blended vegetables in small containers , and squeezable fruit tubes. Some of these products are specifically positioned as being intended for children, others are not, although nearly all are packaged in a child-friendly fashion with cartoon characters on the label. These products are designed to capitalize upon the new trend for 'eating healthy' and answer concerns about obesity in children.

The company's product range remains relatively limited but like all brand names it has an array of 'dogs,' 'cash cows,' 'problem children' and 'stars. Parents that purchase Innocent Drinks are attracted by the brand's pure image. Selling fruit puree in a highly processed 'squeezable' format is unlikely to attract the target consumer. Innocent Drinks have a somewhat unconvincing explanation on their website as why these…. References Coin, Glen. Michael Pollan tells Syracuse audience 'nutritionism' is making us sick. The Syracuse Standard. html Hale, Beth. Prove superfoods are good for you. Daily Mail. Matrix and the Power of Myth Most people spend their lives caught up in petty matters like money, food, career, and worldly obligations.

We are surrounded by so much technology and "progress" that finding time for the important things in life can be difficult or impossible. Today, our society is dominated by the city. It's a different would to grow up in when you are out in the forest with little chipmunks and the great owls. Quickly, the spiritual and subconscious side of the homosapien is being phased out; it is not productive. Even the heroes of modern society are losing their luster. The original hero of the West, Christ, is falling out of favor. Even American heroes like Washington, Jefferson, and oone stood for things that are now antiquated or misunderstood. Campbell believes, "life today is so….

Bibliography Campbell, Joseph. The Power of Myth. New York: Doubleday, Motion Picture. Warner Brothers, Limitation of individual model - synergies obtained by combining strategic analyses models All analysis models presented in the previous chapter represent useful but not exhaustive methods of deciding the future of a company or its products. As there is no perfect model, the joint usage of them might bring most value to the company. Therefore, other analysis that will take into consideration both internal and external variables of a company like…. References Adams, J. Teamwork is highly valued at Spectrum, and a matrix structure would exploit this advantage in a flexible and effective manner. A matrix structure also reduces costs, because it allows top talent to be shared between divisions: "because key people can be shared, the project cost is minimized" Matrix organization, , VisitAsk.

The disadvantage to a matrix structure is the diffusion of responsibility. Shared authority and responsibility can reduce accountability -- although it can inspire a corresponding increase in innovation. The greater bureaucracy of a multidivisional firm, in contrast, seems less well-suited for the current market environment and the company's desire for greater flexibility in its approach. Three examples of potential communication problems: Correctives Matrix structures are hardly problem-free, of course. There can be confusion regarding who is in charge -- the project manager or functional manager -- regarding specific decisions.

While matrix teams may make use of shared synergies, there…. References Hoskisson, Robert E. The multidivisional structure: organizational fossil or source of value? Journal of Management. Retrieved August 3, from FindArticles. Successful Strategy Execution The Balanced Scorecard A balanced scorecard is balanced precisely because it considers three major areas of performance: 1 The relationship between the company and the customer; 2 the key internal processes of the company; and 3 the learning and growth of the company.

The dynamics that make the balanced scorecard a highly functional tool is that it enables linkage to be constructed between the short-term activities of the company to its long-term objectives. These linkages are established by the following: 1 translating and operationalizing the vision; 2 communicating and linking the day-to-day work of individuals with the overall company strategy; 3 business planning that interlocks the budgeting processes with long-term strategic planning in an integrated whole, and 4 feedback and learning enables a company to examine inferences, assumptions, and outcomes in order to adjust theories and decisions based on cause and effect relationships.

Who has the "D"? CASSIES Gold: EOS reinvents lip balm. ChapStick gets itself in a social media death spiral: A brand's silent war against its Facebook fans. Ad Week. Resolution often needs to be imposed from above. A third type of communication problem at firms operating a matrix structure is that of corporate culture clash. In the case of Spectrum, the regional head office may wish to impose upon the different product functions the head office corporate culture. Each of the functional firms, however, may have its own culture and may find that it benefits from certain cultural differences. These differences, however, can cause communication problems and discord. ithin the multidivisional structure, one type of communication that can occur is that the company only shares some types of information well, but not others.

hen Apple reorganized into a multidivisional structure, some groups communicated very well, but ultimately the results did not generate any congruencies or economies of scale advantages -- the wrong people were communicating about the wrong things Grant, Another form of communication problem that can occur…. Works Cited: Kerzner, H. Project management: A systems approach to planning, scheduling and controlling. Wiley p. Strategic management -- concepts and cases: Competitiveness and Globalization. Cengage, p. Contemporary strategy analysis: Concepts, techniques, applications. Matrix Structure for Organizations Within an increasingly complex commercial environment, the manifestation of matrix organisations is increasing. Matrix organisation provides a number of advantages, especially in professional-based organisations where there may be dual systems of accountability, from Phillips in the 's, through to wide range of modern day business, from consultants and accounting firms through to oil rig support companies.

However, this paper does not describe what a matrix organisation is, but considers whether or not it is a viable form management, as employees are not only managed based on functional or departmental basis. There are some significant resources associated with matrix organisations. The first is the ability to efficiently utilise resources, maximising the potential benefits of the intellectual capital that is within the company. This maximisation of resources also facilitates a greater level of coordination between different products and different projects. Most importantly, it maybe argued that the information….

SWOT, SPACE and QSPM Matrices for YAHOO! Incorporated is a multinational internet corporation in the computer integrated system designs industry. Headquartered in Sunnyvale, California, the company was founded by Jerry Yang and David Filo in at a time they were students at Stanford University. Initially the search engine started as a hobby for the two founders and it was referred to as 'Jerry and Yang's guide to the world wide web', after which the name was changed to Yahoo! The company provides online properties and services to users and affiliates, and its major income generating activities are display and search advertising.

The company's products include: communication, search, digital magazines, and video. In communication, the main products are Yahoo Messenger, Yahoo Mail and Yahoo Groups, while search is made up of Yahoo Answers and Yahoo Search, both…. References Bohm, A. The SWOT Analysis. Norderstedt: Books on Demand Thompson, J. Hampshire: Cengage Learning Yahoo! Incorporated Company Information. Industry Portfolio ank Satander Ansoff Matrix The company that we are examining is Satander Group. This is a firm that is a subsidiary of Sovereign ank.

To determine the strengths and opportunities facing the company we will look at the Ansoff Matrix. This is when a corporation is focusing on a number of different factors to include: market penetration, market development, product development and diversification. These elements are important, because they are identifying how quickly the firm is growing in various segments of the industry. elow is the table for the Ansoff Matrix of the firm. Diversification -- The purchase of RS. Ansoff Matrix Market penetration is when you are looking at the company's ability to be able to maintain…. Bibliography Financial Report, , Santander, Available from: [26 December ]. About Satander, , Sovereign Bank, Available from: [26 December ].

About the Group, , Satander, Available from: [26 December ]. Ansoff Matrix, , Quick MBA, Available from:. Items such as the potential partner's track record for development efficiency was a definite strength. In contrast, one weakness was the sharing of profits once the product went to market, as well as the fact that our company would not have sole ownership of the product. There was the opportunity to bring the product to market ahead of any potential competitors, plus the opportunity to develop a relationship that could serve both companies well into the future. However, there was the threat that this potential partner had worked in the past with competitors and that issues may arise should the partnership not be successful and the organization work with competitors again in the future.

It was determined that the strengths of this partnership outweighed the weaknesses, and most threats could be prevented, so that both of our companies could fully take advantage of the opportunities the partnership afforded. eferences None. Wal-Mart Inc. Wal-Mart is the world's largest retailer. It commits itself to providing everyday low prices to consumers to enable them live better. Its decisions center largely around the provision of commodities at low prices when customers need them. This text examines Wal-Mart's operational strategy and proposes a number of decisions that it could take to improve its standing in the retail market. Founded in , the company grew from a small general store into the world's largest retailer, with over 65 different banners.

In the UK, the company operates under the name 'Asda', and runs over 70 stores dealing in general merchandise including clothing, apparel, foodstuffs, groceries and stationary. I had the opportunity to work as…. References Barnett, W. Four Steps to Forecast Total Market Demand. Harvard Business Review. Supply Chain Management at Wal-Mart. Ivey Business School. pdf Kosasi, S. and Saragih, H. How RFID Technology Boosts Wal-Mart's Supply Chain Management. International Journal of Information Technology and Business Management, 24 1 , pp. Thomas, K. Walmart SWOT Analysis. Expenditures and Revenues Matrix Punjab City or County: PAKISTAN Federal State province Local Expenditure Item School nutrition fund Major expenditure on wheat, rice, cooking oil etc.

Major expenditure on basic food items for schools of state Major expenditure items like water supply to schools, checking and distribution of basic food items. Expenditure Item Text book Major expenditure on formation and printing of textbook. Major expenditure on acquiring textbook from federal government. No expenditure on textbook. Expenditure item3 School maintenance Not making expenditure on school maintenance. Not making expenditure on school maintenance. Major expenditure on purchasing material for school and making payments to constructor. Revenue Item1 School nutrition fund Donations, tax payer money, other revenue generating activities like concerts, cricket matches etc.

Amount given by federal government, donations. Amount given by state, donations Revenue Item 2 Textbook fund Donations, tax payer money Tax money raised by provincial government No revenue sources…. Bibliography American Management Association. Financial Decision Making and the Techniques Used in Financial Analysis. Fundamentals of Financial Management. Mason: Joe Sabatino. Duncombe, W. Public Budgeting and Finance. Public Financial Publications. Expenditure Guideline Matrix. Skill Assessment Matrix A shows a set of skills and tri-part analysis of those skills for five individuals. The skill sets are: problem solving, written communications, oral communication, leadership, creativity, goal orientation, multi-tasking, time management, analysis, delegating, and strategic thinking.

Analysis of the matrix shows the following: Skill Strong Weak In Training Problem Solving All Written Communication Oral Communication Leadership All Creativity Goal Orientation All Multi-Tasking All Time Management Analytical Delegating Strategic Thinking Based on the matrix, areas of concern are, in order of ranking: Oral Communication 3 weak Strategic Thinking 4 still in training Analytical Skills 3 still in training Written Communication 1 weak, 3 in training Time Management 1 weak If we assign points to each individual as 3 for Strong, 2 for In training, and 1 for weak, we find that the…. University of Kent. htm Six Types of Oral Communication Activities. Speaking the Disciplines.

html Mind Tools. Time Management Games and Tools. htm Rein, S. Three Keys to Improving Your Strategic Thinking. Healthcare Psychology Stress Illness orkplace Matrix Use table describe relationship stress health workplace identify ways reduce stress workplace. If additional sources, include citations consistent APA guidelines. Associate Level Material Stress and Illness in the orkplace Matrix Use the following table to describe the relationship between stress and health in the workplace and to identify ways to reduce stress in the workplace. If you use additional sources, include citations consistent with APA guidelines. Include reference page. hat is the relationship between stress and health in the workplace? There is a strong relationship between stress and health in the workplace, as there is a significant number of individuals from around the world who believe that their jobs have a negative effect on their health.

A study involving civil service employees in London generated conclusive results showing that many individuals experience low control in the workplace and that this lead to serious health…. Works cited: Cardwell, M. And Flanagan, C. Psychology AS. Nelson Thornes. Nguyen, S. Creating an Ethical Organizational Culture. Of great importance is the position of respondents. On the basis of the questionnaire an experimental design can be drawn, using two groups of subjects: one group consisting of high level positions, maybe people working in Human esource Management, and the other group being composed of university students or people holding different positions, non-managerial. The hypothesis would be aimed at testing gender stereotypes for higher position and lower position employees.

A second hypothesis that will be tested is refers to the possibility that Human esources Management employees to be more prejudiced more affected by in what concerns gender roles. Any research study should be very careful in establishing the relationships of cause and effect and should avoid ethical problems dilemmas. The study suggested should take into consideration cultural differences and individual differences in the respondents in terms of personal beliefs regarding gender roles, but in such way as to be….

References Agars, M. etention Strategy etention Strategies Matrix Specialty Area: My home health organization located in San Diego, CA, has been having difficulty in staff retention, but specifically, with N Case Managers. These N Case Managers work in the home health agency I supervise and see patients in the community. Type of retention strategy Benefits of using this strategies Challenges of using this strategy Evidence-based eference Enhancing the approaches and techniques used to manage nurses once they are employed ecognizing and rewarding nursing performances gives the Ns a sense of being valued at the organization.

This not only improves their satisfaction levels, but also their work performances. In creating teamwork, there is improved management of work stress and any issues with individual performances…. References Longo, J. Combating disruptive behaviors: Strategies to promote a healthy work environment. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 15 1. Park, M. A retention strategy for newly graduated nurses: an integrative review of orientation programs. Journal for Nurses in Professional Development, 26 4 , Rush, K. Best practices of formal new graduate nurse transition programs: an integrative review.

International journal of nursing studies, 50 3 , Van den Heede, K. Effective strategies for nurse retention in acute hospitals: a mixed method study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 50 2 , However, during that time, the car sales industry was experiencing a recession and Virgin Cars was caught up in the midst of this recession. Therefore, even though through franchise agreements with manufacturers they could stock many cars without paying for them, car sales slumped considerably thus the company was not able to turn a profit. Among the actions that could have been taken by Virgin Cars to make it successful was taking time to design the business plan and site their stores in order to make sure they gain the most competitive advantage.

Secondly, by researching the car sales industry and profile the market before starting the business. By so doing, they would have been able to set more realistic expectations for car sales and device strategies to improve sales despite the recession. Conclusion Diversification as a strategy for business growth usually gives rise to successful companies. The strategy of…. References Ansoff, I. Strategies for Diversification. Harvard Business Review, 35 5 , Balmforth, J. Virgin Atlantic. London: Midland Publishing Limited. Branson, R. Virgin Atlantic Airways. Dominic, O.

End of the road for Virgin Cars as Branson gets out, Sunday Times, the. Pluralistic and Elitist Perspectives Pluralism promotes the idea that it would be possible for two or more forms of authority to coexist. This is a very general concept and can be considered in a wide range of topics with the purpose of demonstrating the way that these respective systems function. The pluralist perspective can be considered as something meant to emphasize the organization as being composed out of a series of sub-groups. In contrast to pluralism, elitism relates to the idea of a situation in which an elitist group is in charge of matters. This group needs to be able to adopt a series of controlling attitudes in order to make sure that it still holds power.

In the pluralist perspective, managers focus more on coordinating the overall affairs in the organization rather than on employing controlling attitudes toward their subordinates. This way power is being distributed among several individuals…. Works cited: Janoski, T. Matrix, lade Runner, And Metropolis Science-Fiction films have evolved through the decades as technology as progressed, allowing for greater Special Effects and visual demonstrations of worlds overrun by machines. Three such films - The Matrix, lade Runner, and Metropolis have manifested their stories not only through their scenery and futuristic landscapes, but also through society and the forces governing them.

In their essays, Stan rakhage and Giuliana runo examine these influences within film and how they demonstrate the relevance of history in a social context; postmodernist influences; and the perceptions of vision as they appear on film. In runo's essay Ramble City: Postmodernism and lade Runner, runo examines the film lade Runner, as it relates to postmodernism and the ideals surrounding the architecture, and social infrastructure of the world where people lack a 'real' history, and therefore, philosophically, a 'real' existence. The city of lade Runner is not the ultramodern,…. Bibliography Blade Runner Dir. Ridley Scott. Based on Philip K. Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

Metropolis Dir. Fritz Lang Based on Thea Von Harbou's novel. particular research explored the links amidst eating jumble symptomatology, careful eating, self-sympathy, and body mass record. The participants were simply college students with normal body mass record of The participants completed measures of self-sympathy, scattered eating, careful eating and provided self-reported weight and height. Higher self-empathy predicted dietary issues symptomatology and lower body mass file. These findings have implications for the improvement as well as testing of self-sympathy careful eating SC-ME , training courses on school grounds, which are positioned towards improving self-perception, minimizing thoughtless eating, preventing weight gain, and reducing dietary problem symptomatology.

Question 2: What is the purpose of this study? In your own words! Careful eating and self-empathy have recently garnered consideration in the study of weight administration. Reference of the Journal Article Taylor, M. Associations Among Self-Compassion, Mindful Eating, Eating Disorder Symptomatology, and Body Mass Index in College Students. Translational Issues in Psychological Science. socialization of doctoral students the authors John C. Weidman and Elizabeth L. Stein utilize the framework for graduate and professional socialization to explain the socialization of doctoral students to academic rules of research and scholarship.

The researchers reveal information about the perceptions of doctoral students on social science and on the foundation of education. The researchers also present information socialization of the students with their peers and with members of faculty. The authors employed a multivariate analysis to support the framework. The analysis helped to emphasize the social relationships between students and the members of faculty. While in the second article…. Bibliography Baker, V. Developmental networks and learning: toward an interdisciplinary perspective on identity development during doctoral study. Studies in Higher Education, 35 7 , Visser, L. Critical thinking distance education and traditional education. Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 4 4 , Weidman, J.

Socialization of doctoral students to academic norms. Research in Higher Education, 44 6 , Matrix [ Truth and reality are often hard to tell apart from dreams and unreality. This is very true in the film The Matrix. Neo's world is really simply an illusion created by those in charge, while the alternative life the rebels live underground is in fact real. However, there are parts of each life that seem quite real, and it is difficult to tell where truth and reality end in the movie, and lies and deception begin. The Matrix might seem like a difficult movie to understand at first.

It is hard to tell where Neo's reality begins and ends, and where the world's reality begins and ends. Actually, the only real world is underground, and the life above ground is just a virtual reality "matrix" where people live and work, but do not really exist. At one point, Morpheus tells Neo-about the…. References The Matrix. Andy Wachowski and Larry Wachowski. Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, Carrie-Anne Moss, and Hugo Weaving. Business Strategies and Objectives The aim of this paper is to prepare matrices that will be used to justify strategies that will be recommended in the paper.

There will also be analysis and detailed discussion on other alternative strategies, including providing the advantages and disadvantages of the alternative strategies. All the specific objectives and strategies will be addressed and there will be an analysis for the next three years with estimated costs for every year. The article will also compare and contrast the recommended strategies and the actual ones adopted by the firm Google. ecommendations will include how the strategies are to be implemented by the firm in question, and expected results will be noted together with a timetable for recommended items. Detailed information of how to review and evaluate the success of the recommended strategies will also be provided.

Business Strategies Introduction In many circumstances, business strategies will always…. References Billsberry, J. Experiencing Recruitment and Selection. New York: John Wiley and Sons Publishers. Bryson, J. Creating and Implementing Your Strategic Plan: A Workbook for Public and Non-profit Organizations. New York: John Wiley and Sons. Implementing and Sustaining your Strategic Plan: A Workbook for Public and Non-profit Organizations. Ghazinoory, S. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 12 1 , Tesco Models for Analysis There are a number of different models by which the company's strategic options can be analyzed. Two of the best are the SOT Matrix and the BCG Matrix. The SOT matrix focuses on the internal strengths and weaknesses of the organization, and its external opportunities and threats.

By analyzing these variables, the best strategy for the company can be revealed. Strengths can be used to defend against threats or to take advantage of opportunities. eaknesses can prohibit taking advantage of opportunities, and they can open the company up to competitive threat. So the company will need to understand all of these dynamics in order to determine if it should shore up weaknesses or leverage strengths as the main part of its strategy. These are either cash cows, stars, dogs or question…. Works Cited: Tesco Annual Report. pdf Stern, C. The BCG Matrix. Value-Based Management. html MindTools.

SWOT Analysis. Google Introduction and Description of the Company Organizational Structure Industry Analysis Value Proposition Financial Performance Figure 1. It has been able to achieve this success through a combination of leadership and culture. The company's many strengths are in general aligned with the opportunities that exist in the marketplace. As a result, Google has the opportunity to pursue most of its opportunities. The most recommended opportunity to pursue is to take the Android operating system and apply it to the PC industry. It is also recommended that Google addresses the threats that it faces in the political environment, both domestically and in China.

It can do this by using its financial clout but also it will need to develop new capabilities in order…. Works Cited: Alexa. com Top sites. htm Google. About Google. Google gets some rare good news in China. Business Week. Global Business Project Management The objectives of a project are the expected outcomes and benefits to be received upon completion of the project. What the project is projected to achieve can either be specific, measurable or varying and materializing gradually over time. Projects are developed and executed in many settings and the type of project chosen; the time, the budget and the team size are agreed on based on the setting, the objectives of the project and the available resources among other factors.

Different organizations have particular individual styles and cultures influencing the manner in which the project work is executed. This paper will look at projects, the many factors that make projects to differ, advantages and disadvantages of the functional and matrix organizations when observed from a project management perspective. A project is understood to be a temporary endeavor that is executed by an organization, group or institution and…. References Berkun, S. The Art of Project Management Theory in Practice O'Reilly. Cambridge: O'Reilly Media.

Galbraith, J. Goodman, M. And Nokes, S. The Definitive Guide to Project Management: The Fast Track to Getting the Job Done on Time and on Budget. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Gottlieb, R. The Matrix Organization Reloaded: Adventures in Team and Project Management Creating Corporate Cultures. Connecticut: Praeger. The company only does one thing, so aggressive implies that it should expand geographically, and aggressively fill in good growth opportunities where it currently operates. These strategies are market penetration and market growth, the latter being especially important for McDonalds, since the company operates in a number of major countries in which it has a low market share. In both the short and long-run, McDonalds should therefore focus on an aggressive growth strategy.

Such an approach will leverage its advantages in order to capture a greater share of these markets. The result should be that McDonalds establishes a strong financial position for itself, and does so before many competitors can really even enter these markets. Indeed, if we look at the major Asian markets, McDonalds is only competing with Yum and Starbucks, so there is a lot of opportunity. The SPACE matrix is applied to the entire business, which unfortunately…. References Cardenal, A. Why Starbucks could beat Yum Brands and McDonalds in the war for breakfast. Motley Fool. aspx Interbrand. Best global brands Almost half of all land surfaces on the planet are consumed by agricultural endeavors, note the authors. Agricultural develop threatens species diversity more so than overpopulation itself.

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