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Example philosophy essay

Example philosophy essay

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Philosophy is the search for knowledge through applying logic and reason. Socrates claimed that such knowledge was obtainable through interaction with the environment. Socrates, particularly, demonstrated that philosophy dealt with exploring subjects, although such exploration seldom created knowledge about the subject. We will write a custom Essay on What is Philosophy? In the Euthyphro, Plato reveals the nature of philosophy through the dialogues example philosophy essay Socrates as he goes to face the trial against corrupting young men. Socrates asks Euthryphro whether he understands divine things so much that he can accuse his father of doing wicked things Plato 3, example philosophy essay.

He goes ahead and dares Euthyphro to define pious to him, in order that he would apply it in his defense. Euthyphro replies to him that pious is seeking for justice. Socrates seems unsatisfied with this answer and requests him to describe the specific traits of pious actions, example philosophy essay. Socrates concern is to find out the example philosophy essay qualities that lead to an action being pious. In response, Euthyphro argues that example philosophy essay actions are example philosophy essay that make the gods happy Plato 5. However, Socrates disputes this definition, noting that the Greek gods were always in conflict. He claims that disputes among the gods resulted from the debates about what was moral or immoral and actions that could please some gods and annoy other gods were both morally right and wrong, as per the definition.

This makes Euthyphro to surrender in his efforts of explaining the character of piety to Socrates. He does not offer a concise definition and Plato accomplishes his task of showing that the aspects of piety are unknown. Socrates also demonstrates the significance of this lack of definite knowledge in the Apology, example philosophy essay he describes qualities of wisdom. While defending himself against not having faith in the gods, example philosophy essay, Socrates puts forward that he has faith in spirituality, and it is thus ridiculous to claim that he does not believe in gods themselves when he believes in their things Plato Indeed, Socrates spent his example philosophy essay life trying to come into terms with the words of the oracle at Delphi, that he was the wisest man.

Since he did not consider himself wise, Socrates lived in pursuit of finding a person who was wiser than he was. Socrates followed artisans, politicians, and others who considered themselves as wise, but after evaluating them, he discovered that they were not wise, although they were knowledgeable. Socrates described them as skilled men and professionals, but they could not prove their knowledge. This directed Socrates to his philosophical thought that example philosophy essay wisest person is the one who claims to know nothing. By saying so, Socrates meant that we could not claim to know something, unless we can proof our knowledge of what we claim to know.

This makes me to think that all matters have a room for doubt, and it is through justification that human beings get to understand the truth. A good illustration of uncertainty is clear in the Apology, as Socrates explains why he does not feel sorry for his life. He says that fear of death should not influence our choices because we even do not know what death is and we should not fear that which we do not know. Lastly, Socrates demonstrates the value of philosophy through his answers to those who think that he should stop the practice of examining others and leave Athens. but can you hold your tongue and then you may go into a foreign city and example philosophy essay one will interfere with you?

and if I say again that daily to discourse virtue, and of those other things about which you hear me examining myself and others, example philosophy essay, is the greatest good of man and that the unexamined life is not worth living. Socrates points out that our societies is lacking something so important, example philosophy essay, because we only concentrate on immediate satisfaction and fail to think about issues deeply. He explains that many example philosophy essay tend to ignore philosophical issues and consider them a waste of time because they tend to focus on providing solutions to questions that cannot have answers. Yet, is it not a contradiction that he poses questions when he thinks that they cannot have answers? To understand whether an unexamined life is worth living, we must first understand whether life itself is worth living.

During happy moments, we all feel that life is worthy living but when demands of this life overpower us, we feel as if life is unworthy, example philosophy essay. It is in our lowest moments that we also try to test whether our lives are valuable. At these times, we tend to explore our lives so that we can get the most from it. Therefore, philosophy is valuable, example philosophy essay, especially for those who choose to think philosophically with an open mind. All we need to do is to select our values and learn the habit of thought and reflection. In conclusion, I will say that philosophy means different things to different people, example philosophy essay, but it deals with logic, reflection and questions in search for wisdom.

Five Dialogues: Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Meno, Phaedo. Grube, trans. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company, Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online. What is Philosophy? We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. If you continue, example philosophy essay will assume that you agree to our Cookies Policy. Learn More. specifically for you! This essay on What is Philosophy? was written and submitted by your fellow student. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. Removal Request.

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