Friday, March 25, 2022

Elephant essay

Elephant essay

outerHeight ;a. The British are described as evil, dirty, stinky, grey, convicts and scared whereas the man killed by the elephant is described as lying on his belly, wide-open eyes, arms crucified and grinning with an expression of unbearable agony. Which elephant essay should I use? A female elephants give birth to a single baby for every four or five years. Elephants are the largest land mammals from the family Elephantidae. They are used for several purposes due to their sheer strength, elephant essay. Its two big ears hanging like big fans.

Short and Long Essay on Elephant

Elephants are the largest land animals with distinct body parts. They have huge fan like ears and long extended teeth called tusks. Because of their distinct tusks they are often called tuskers. Elephants are wild animals; though, they are also domesticated by elephant essay to mainly perform laborious tasks. Colossal body parts give the elephants tremendous physical strength over humans, thus they are tamed elephant essay made to perform strenuous and challenging tasks, elephant essay. Elephants have a distinct social structure displaying feelings of compassion, love and care for the family members.

All the elephant essay given below are written using very simple words and easy sentences under various words limit. Students can select any of the essays given below according to their need and requirement:. Elephant is a very big animal. It lives in the forest however it is a pet animal also. Some people keep it at home as a pet animal in order to earn money through circus. It is also kept in the zoo in order to enhance the glory of zoo as well as interest of kids. It has a big body elephant essay four legs like pillars, two fan elephant essay ears, a long trunk, a short tail and two small eyes. A male elephant contains two long white teeth called as tusks. It can eat soft green leaves, plants, grains, etc. It is very useful animal to the man and proved to be elephant essay good friend to mankind as it performs many functions such as earns money, carries heavy loads, etc.

It has long life span and lives around one hundred years. Elephant is a biggest animal on the land. It is also considered as the strongest animal on the land. Generally it is a wild animal however can live as a pet animal after proper training in the zoo or with human being at home. It has been proved a useful animal for the humanity. It is an animal with big body generally found in the grey color. Its eyes are quite small in comparison to the body. It has a long trunk and a short tail. It can pick up a range of things very easily through its trunk such as a small needle and very heavy trees or loads, elephant essay. It has two long white tusks on each side of trunk, elephant essay. Elephants live in the jungle and generally eat small twigs, leaves, straw and wild fruits however a pet elephant can also eat bread, bananas, sugarcane, etc.

It is a pure vegetarian wild animal. Now-a-days, they are used by the people to carry heavy loads, in the circus, elephant essay, lifting logs, etc. In the ancient time, they were elephant essay by the kings and dukes in the wars and battles. It lives for long years more than years. It is very useful animal even after death bangles are made of bones and tusks. Elephant is a largest animal on the elephant essay. It lives in the forest however can be a pet after proper training. It can be more than eight feet in height. Its big and heavy body is supported by the strong pillar like legs, elephant essay. It takes help of its long trunk in eating leaves, plants, fruits or trees.

Generally two types of elephants are found on land African scientific name is Loxodonta africana and Asian scientific name is Elephas maximus, elephant essay. Its big hanging ears looks like a fan and legs like a pillar. It has a long trunk attached with mouth and two tusks each side. The trunk of an elephant is very flexible and strong and known as a multi-purpose organ. It is used for feeding, bathing, breathing, expressing emotions, fighting, etc by the elephant. African elephants are little bigger is size and darker in color than the Asian elephants. They have more prominent ears also. Elephants are commonly found in India, Africa, Sri Lanka, Burma, and Siam. They generally like to live in a herd and become very fond of water.

They know well about swimming. Because of being an herbivorous animal, they depend on plants in the forest in order to meet their food need. They move to villages and other residential places in the lack of food in forest or because of deforestation, elephant essay. It is known as an intelligent animal and benefits man in many ways. Elephant is a strongest and biggest animal on the earth. It is quite famous for elephant essay big body, intelligence and obedient nature. It lives in jungle however can be trained and used by people for various purposes. Its peculiar features are four pillars elephant essay legs, two fan like ears, two small eyes, a short tail, elephant essay, a long elephant essay, and two long white tusks.

Elephant eats leaves, stem of banana trees, grass, soft plants, nuts, elephant essay, etc in the jungle. It lives more than hundred and twenty years. It is found in India in the dense jungles of Assam, Mysore, Tripura, etc. Generally elephants are of dark grey color however white elephants are found as well in the Thailand. Elephant is an intelligent animal and has good learning capacity. It can be trained very easily according to the use in circus, zoo, transport, carry loads, etc. It can carry heavy logs of timber to a long distance from one place to another, elephant essay. A trained elephant can perform various tasks such as delightful activities in the circus, etc. It can be very angry which create danger to the humanity as it can destroy anything.

It is useful animal even after death as its tusk, skin, bones, etc are elephant essay to make costly and artistic items. Elephant is a very huge wild animal lives in a jungle. It looks quite ugly however mostly liked by the kids. It has big elephant essay body and called as royal elephant essay. It elephant essay be more than 10 feet in height, elephant essay. It is found in coarse dark grey color with very hard skin. In other countries, it is found in white color also. Its long and flexible trunk helps in feeding, breathing, bathing and lifting heavy loads. Its two big ears hanging like big fans.

Its four legs are very strong and look like pillars. Elephants are found in the forests of Elephant essay Assam, Mysore, Tripura, etcCeylon, Africa, and Burma. Elephants like to live in groups of hundreds lead by a big male elephant in the jungle. It is very useful animal to the humanity whole life and after death also. Its various body parts are used to make precious things all over the world. Bones and tusks of elephant are used to make hooks for brushes, knife-handles, combs, bangles including other fancy things. It can live for many years from to years. Keeping elephant at home is very costly which an ordinary person cannot afford. It has very calm nature however on teasing it can be very angry and elephant essay as it can destroy anything even kill people.

It is known as intelligent and faithful animal because it understands every sign of the keeper after training. It obeys its keeper very sincerely till death, elephant essay. There are two types of elephant, African and Indian. African elephants are quite bigger than Indian elephant. Both, male and female African elephants have tusks with wrinkly gray skin and two tips at the end of trunk, elephant essay. Indian or Asian elephants are quite smaller than African elephants with humped back and only one tip at the end of trunk. An elephant is very clever, obedient and biggest animal on the earth. It is found in the Africa and Asia. Generally, it is found elephant essay grey color however white in Thailand.

Female elephants are used to live in groups however male elephants solitary. Elephants live long life more than years. They generally live in jungles however also seen in the zoo and circus. Elephant essay can grow around 11 feet in height and 13, elephant essay, pounds weight. The largest elephant ever has been measured as 13 feet in height and 24, pounds in weight. An individual elephant can eat pounds of food and drink 30 gallons of water daily, elephant essay. Elephant skin becomes one inch thick however very sensitive. Male elephant starts living alone whenever become adult however female lives in group oldest female of a group called as matriarch. In spite of having elephant essay, excellent hearing power, and good sense of smell, elephants have poor eyesight.

sonnet 18 analysis essay

What is the challenge? What are the rules? The essay should be in your own words. You may have a peer or an adult assist you with editing, but the piece should be your own ideas. Remember the writing must be yours! Level One: Your piece should be no more than words. Level Two: Your piece should be no more than words. Your essays must be typed in English. Did you mention prizes??? A certificate A special t-shirt from EAI A virtual visit to your classroom from Carol Buckly and Bo! Your work published on our website Elephant Ambassadorship Second Place in Both Levels A certificate A special t-shirt from EAI Elephant Ambassadorship Judging The essays will be judged by a panel of elephant enthusiasts on content, accuracy, creativity, passion, and adherence to the topic.

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If you can answer YES to either of these two questions, you can use our student submission form below: Are you a student living in the United States or the United Kingdom who is 13 years old or older? Are you a student living in any country outside the United States or the United Kingdom who is 16 years old or older? Finally the fine print! First Last. If you don't have an email address, a parent's or teacher's is fine. Age How old are you? Students under the age of 13 should have an adult submit the form on their behalf. your state Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Armed Forces Americas Armed Forces Europe Armed Forces Pacific State.

School What school do you attend? Level One. Level Two. About You Why are you interested in elephants? Files must be less than 10 MB. If you have any difficulty, email [email protected]. Accepted file types: pdf, ppt, pptx, doc, docx, Max. file size: 10 MB. I allow Elephant Aid International to use the information and any files provided in this form. Name This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. It is easily identified by its distinctly large physical features and a trunk. Tusks of an elephant are considered valuable in the illegal market. Elephants are found in the wild; though, they are also domesticated by humans for various purposes. We all are familiar with what an elephant looks like and probably its distinct physical features.

They are commercially used by humans and provide bread and butter to millions of families, only in the Indian subcontinent alone. Asian elephants are domesticated for a number of purposes including transport, shifting heavy loads, as a status symbol, during religious processions, in temples, etc. Many families in the Indian subcontinent rely entirely on the elephant for earning their livelihoods. Thousands of animals in India and other Asian countries are currently under domestication for several purposes. Their endangered status since has helped in improving its population considerably.

Prior to that, they were poached heavily for their tusk and other body parts. Though, the illegal trade and poaching almost stopped, shrinking habitat is the most immediate threat that the Asian elephant faces. Habitat destruction is leading to rising human-elephant conflict which is damaging for both. Elephants have been known to venturing into villages in search of food, too which the inhabitants panic and resort in a way that often injures or frightens the animals, making them consider humans as their enemies. Shrinking elephant habitat is not good for the elephants or for humans as well.

Governments and animal rights groups must chart out an effective plan to retain the natural habitat of elephants without compromising the livelihood of humans. An elephant is the largest existing land mammal which is distinctly recognized by its large and distinguished features. They have a trunk, two tusks, large ears and a bulky body that could weigh anything between to Kgs. Despite their heavy size, elephants have been used by humans for centuries, due to their calm and peaceful nature. Elephants are usually calm unless instigated, making them suitable for domestication. They are used for several purposes due to their sheer strength.

Several uses of elephants by humans are described below-. In history, elephants have been trained by humans for combat situations. Their colossal appearance and sheer pleasure were used to instill terror in the enemy ranks and break their progression. However, sometime down the line, advance weaponry has made war elephants redundant and ineffective. Elephants are very costly to maintain and require a mahout person who tends to the elephant working full time along with the requirement of food and water. An elephant can eat up to kg of food and drink up to 40 liters of water in a day.

For this reason, many existing princely states and landlords, domesticate elephants as a status symbol. Elephants have immense strength and their trunk provides dexterity to perform tasks involving heavy loads. Even to this day, elephants are used to lift and shift heavy logs of woods or trees that would have otherwise required a small army of labors. In India elephants also have religious significance. One of the most revered Hindu deities, Lord Ganesha, is a half elephant half man. Temple in Southern India, especially in Kerala, domesticates elephants to take part in annual religious congregations.

These elephants are decorated and paraded in full public view during religious functions. Due to their huge size, elephants are avoided by big carnivores like tigers and leopards; thereby making them a safe mount for jungle safaris. For these qualities, elephants are widely used for tourism by the forest department. The relationship of elephants with humans is centuries old. However, in taking advantage of them we must not forget that they are the gift of god and extremely useful for ecology and must be protected at all costs. Elephants are the largest land mammals from the family Elephantidae.

Another member of the family is now an extinct mammoth. An elephant is the only surviving member of the Elephantidae family. Elephants are the largest land animals with an imposing presence. Their physical features are distinct and huge in proportion to other animals. The weight of an elephant can vary from Kg to Kg. They also have large and round fan-like ears. The most distinct feature of an elephant is the trunk, which is an extension of the nose and upper lip. The trunk is a very useful organ for an elephant and is used for a number of purposes like breathing, holding, grasping, drinking, etc.

In the end, the trunk has two lips like extensions that the elephant uses for picking up small items. Despite their large body and unmatchable strength, elephants generally are very silent and tend to mind their own business, unless provoked. They are herbivorous and their diet mostly consists of leaves, twigs, roots, barks, etc. They often use their trunk to pluck leaves and branches from trees. Bull elephants have tusks, which is an extension of their teeth on both sides of the trunk. Elephants usually feed all day long and can consume up to kgs of food in a day.

Also, they love water and are more likely to found near a water source.

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