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Does god exist essay

Does god exist essay

Descartes declares to give a proof showing the presence of God from the possibility of a remarkably perfect being. Based on this conception, God exists and He is real. Company About FAQ Support Legal Accessibility. Johnson, B. Ask professionals to help you!

Does God Exist

Home — Essay Samples — Religion — Existence of God — Does God Exist. Any subject. Any type of essay. The existence of God has been a big subject in philosophy and efforts to prove or disprove his existence have been taking place since the dawn of time. Notable philosophers such as Rene Descartes, Saint Thomas Aquinas, and William Paley have all conceived arguments to prove the existence of God. While there are many other arguments doing the same, the ones proposed by the three aforementioned thinkers have the most weight to them. This does not, does god exist essay, however, mean that their arguments are flawless. To begin with, the ontological argument is an argument that comes from nothing but is rational. It is a priori with vital premises to conclude that God exists. The ontological argument was created by St.

Anselm of Canterbury in the 11th century C, does god exist essay. Rene Descartes had a similar stance as St. Descartes declares to give a proof showing the presence of God from the possibility of a remarkably perfect being. Thus, he deemed that since people believe in a perfect being, they have an idea of a perfect being which results in the conclusion that a perfect being exists. However, the ontological argument does have its weaknesses, does god exist essay. A critic of the argument was Gaunilo. Does god exist essay argued that it is possible to create an argument that has the same form as the ontological argument.

If the ontological argument prevails, does god exist essay, then the argument for the perfect island works as well. If the two arguments have the same form, then they either succeed or fail together. Adding on, Immanuel Kant has an objection against the ontological argument as well. When people believe that God exists they do not mean that there is a God and he has the property of existence. If that was the case, then when people stated that God does not exist they would mean that there is a God and he lacks the property of existence. Moving on, another argument that is used to justify the existence of God is the cosmological argument. First introduced by Thomas Aquinas, the cosmological argument states that the existence of the universe is solid proof for the creator of the world we live in, God.

The argument also claims that the existence of the universe needs an explanation and the only acceptable explanation is that it was created by God. People have argued that the creation and existence of the universe is a brute fact. A simple way to explain the cosmological argument is: 1 Everything that exists has a reason 2 The universe exists. Therefore:3 The universe has a cause for its existence. Therefore:5 God exists. Furthermore, if the thought that God does not have a cause for his existence then that also constructs another barrier for the cosmological argument. Finally, the teleological argument presented by William Paley, also known as the Design argument, is a posteriori argument for the existence of God.

Paley stated that if a watch was found on the ground, could we assume it was always there? No, because the watch had to be put there by someone and the watch itself had to be made by does god exist essay intricate pieces by does god exist essay watchmaker. So on a grand scale, the universe did not always exist, it must have been created by a powerful being which is God. To conclude, does god exist essay, looking at all three arguments there is one argument that has little to no fault which does god exist essay the teleological argument. Then comes the cosmological argument which is an infinite loop that does not come to a conclusion. It states that there first had to be a cause for the creation of the universe than a cause to create God than a cause to create the being that created God and so on.

Now the teleological argument, even though the universe we live in could have emerged out of nowhere, but a universe with such detail and complexity that has the right balance to support life is improbable. Such an intricately detailed world could not have been created by mere coincidence. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. Starting from 3 hours delivery. Sorry, copying is not allowed on our website. We will occasionally send you account related emails. This essay is not unique. Sorry, we could not paraphrase this essay.

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He argued that it is possible to create an argument that has the same form as the ontological argument. If the ontological argument prevails, then the argument for the perfect island works as well. If the two arguments have the same form, then they either succeed or fail together. Adding on, Immanuel Kant has an objection against the ontological argument as well. When people believe that God exists they do not mean that there is a God and he has the property of existence. If that was the case, then when people stated that God does not exist they would mean that there is a God and he lacks the property of existence. Moving on, another argument that is used to justify the existence of God is the cosmological argument. First introduced by Thomas Aquinas, the cosmological argument states that the existence of the universe is solid proof for the creator of the world we live in, God.

The argument also claims that the existence of the universe needs an explanation and the only acceptable explanation is that it was created by God. People have argued that the creation and existence of the universe is a brute fact. A simple way to explain the cosmological argument is: 1 Everything that exists has a reason 2 The universe exists. Therefore:3 The universe has a cause for its existence. Therefore:5 God exists. Furthermore, if the thought that God does not have a cause for his existence then that also constructs another barrier for the cosmological argument. Finally, the teleological argument presented by William Paley, also known as the Design argument, is a posteriori argument for the existence of God.

Paley stated that if a watch was found on the ground, could we assume it was always there? No, because the watch had to be put there by someone and the watch itself had to be made by smaller intricate pieces by a watchmaker. So on a grand scale, the universe did not always exist, it must have been created by a powerful being which is God. To conclude, looking at all three arguments there is one argument that has little to no fault which is the teleological argument. Then comes the cosmological argument which is an infinite loop that does not come to a conclusion. It states that there first had to be a cause for the creation of the universe than a cause to create God than a cause to create the being that created God and so on. Now the teleological argument, even though the universe we live in could have emerged out of nowhere, but a universe with such detail and complexity that has the right balance to support life is improbable.

Such an intricately detailed world could not have been created by mere coincidence. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. Starting from 3 hours delivery. Sorry, copying is not allowed on our website. We will occasionally send you account related emails. Sign in. Flashcard Dashboard Essay Dashboard Essay Settings Sign Out. Home Page Does God Exist Essay. Does God Exist Essay. Sort By: Most Relevant Highest Grade. Decent Essays. Page 1 of 50 - About Essays. Does God Exist Words 6 Pages. Does God Exist. Read More. Does God Exist Essay Words 4 Pages. Why Does God Exist Words 8 Pages. Why Does God Exist. Good Essays. Definition Essay: Does God Exist? Does God Exist In Blaise Pascal's Wager Exist? Rene Descartes Why Does God Exist Words 2 Pages.

Rene Descartes Why Does God Exist. The Cosmological Argument Essay: Does God Exist Words 8 Pages. The Cosmological Argument Essay: Does God Exist. In other words, they put the age of the universe at fifteen billion because that is what the data we have suggests. Need A Unique Essay on "Does God Exist? He claimed that everything in motion was put into that state by a mover, thus, the first mover must be from outside the world. He also argued that there is always a cause and there has to be the first cause which would naturally be God. Saint Aquinas also claimed that everything that exists depends upon something and there has to be something upon whom everything depends. Similarly, the world is complex that it can only be the evidence of a creator Bootsma.

Those who deny the existence of God also often put forward the philosophical argument that evil exists, thus, God could not have existed and if God does exist, it means he created evil and is, therefore, evil. This argument could easily be dismissed through everyday examples. Parents love their children but they also put them through test and difficult conditions to help them grow into better human beings. Similarly, evil exists so that God can test us and not because God merely wanted to hurt his creation. We only test those whom we believe in and have high expectations from which is why God tests us because he believes in his creation and has high expectations from them.

The complexity of the university is another evidence of the existence of God. Scientists have discovered data over the last few decades which gives us some glimpse into the delicate balance between natural laws.

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