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Classification essay on sports fans

Classification essay on sports fans

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It is impossible to imagine football without football fans, classification essay on sports fans. Football fans, like footballers themselves, make the sport more lively, spectacular, and entertaining. Football supporters differ in their behavior and level of engagement in the game. Classification essay on sports fans goal of this paper is to classify football fans and show the main traits of each group. The paper analyzes a number of related web resources such as encyclopedias, newspapers, magazines, social networks, and video materials in order to gain a deeper perception of the theme. All obtained information helps to describe the types of football fans and models of their behavioral styles.

But under the influence of the game of football, they transform into a different category of people — fans. Some of them are known for backing their teams with extreme enthusiasm and others, for riots, weapons, and extreme aggression. They are not the same in their attitude in terms of behavior and psychological disposition. Fans are an indispensable part of any football game. Their emotional backing and healthy enthusiasm are extremely important, especially during crucial moments of a football match. But in case the love of football becomes an addiction, it takes away from the game.

Football should be watched as solely a game that has its beauties, entertainments, and philosophy — but not as a grudge match. Association Football Culture n. In Wikipedia. Baxter, L. The two types of football fan. Rudd, S. What type of football supporter are you? Football fans hit Euro fanzones in Poland and Ukraine. Meaning To Life. Brazil: Painted football fans [Video file]. Football hooligans — Crazy fight, [Video file]. You may also be interested in other classification essay examples. Latest orders. My account. Football Fans. Abstract It is impossible to imagine football without football fans.

The types of football fans are: TV fans. They make up the most numerous group of football supporters, classification essay on sports fans. These fans watch their favorite football teams by way of a TV. Casual fans. They are generally adults who attend football matches in order to watch the game, support their team and talk reasonably about a variety of subjects as well. As classification essay on sports fans rule, they are psychologically mature enough to not make outbursts. They are not loud, mad, or depressed. They are contented; for them football is leisure time and a kind of escape from everyday monotonous routines. Hardcore football fans. Classification essay on sports fans of the time, they attend every single game, including away games.

They have their own rules, traditions, and code of behavior. They are extremely passionate about their team. They are loud and often paint their faces and other parts of their bodies with a team logo, national flag, or a letter to spell a certain phrase connected with their team. They are not true football fans, though they might pretend to be. Mostly these are the girlfriends, wives, or significant others of hardcore fans. Statisticians or scholarly fans. These fans watch the game mainly through the prism of passionless numbers. They have all football-related statistics on their tongues and have deep insight into the game. Overzealous fans or football hooligans. Their behavior is unruly and destructive; it is oftentimes based on rivalries and antagonism between teams.

Hooliganism can include insulting shouts, short scuffles, and huge riots with deadly weapons as well. They have been known to overturn cars, break windows, and to create other kinds of disruptions. References Association Football Culture n. Presentation and Speeches. Formal Farewell How to Write Farewell. Retirement Farewell Speech Example Farewell Speech Example Business Owner Farewell Speech Sample. Acceptance How to Write Acceptance, classification essay on sports fans. Receiving a Twenty Year Service Award. Graduation How to Write Graduation. Princeton Graduation Speech Never Giving up on a Dream Medical Student Graduation Speech. Semi-formal Tribute How to Write Tribute. Tribute Presentation Sample Greenpeace Organization. Informative How to Write Informative.

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skip to main skip to sidebar Jessie. Thursday, October 30, Classification Essay. Jessie Snodgrass English Mr. Segars 23 October Sports Fans Although many people like sports and watch them on television, few people actually have a strong pride in a team, or really care about how a team does on a competitive game-to-game basis. To me people can be categorized in three different fan groups. One type of fan is a fair weather fan. They jump from team to team, most likely to which one is winning. Another type of fan is a part-time fan. They really do not care much about any one team, and just watch whoever is on.

Finally, there is what I like to call die-hard fans. These fans never miss a game, and route for their team in good and bad times. The first type of fan that I mentioned is a fair weather fan. These are the kinds of fans that never really jump on board with one specific team. They cheer for whichever team might be winning at the time. These fans will usually say that they are routing for whoever the sports critics say will win the championship in that specific season. These are the fans that get tickets to a game, then run out and by clothing that has the team on it, knowing that they will only wear it one time. Fair weather fans are always the ones that will act like they know a lot about the team that is winning at the time.

Most people that are true sports fanatics can honestly tell who the true sports fans are, and who the fair weather fans are. True sports fans honestly cannot stand these people when it comes to sports. The next type of fan is what I like to call a part-time fan. These fans really do not have a favorite team, or even like sports period. They will watch a game only if there is nothing else on that they would rather watch. They really do not care who wins or loses. Most of the time these fans do not really know much about the sport that they are watching, or know much about sports in general. They go to the games just to hang out with their friends, or be seen by everyone that is there. Part-time fans really do not get into the games that are going on, and would rather be doing anything other than watching a game.

The final type of fan that I mentioned is a die-hard fan. These are the fans that truly have a favorite team, and really care about how their team does throughout the season.

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